It is no longer time to dim your light.
It is time to brighten up your energy system and shine.
Dear Woman, the earth needs your light, she needs your beauty, she needs your most magical gifts, to grace her presence and co-create a bright future for all ~
And most of all, she needs you to have the energy to do and be and create the things you are put on this earth to fulfill.
This is not a pressure statement, this is a statement of pure inspiration. A statement of choice.
Are you going to keep living in the loop of struggle, or are you going to pull yourself up, stand tall, smile, and leap into the timeline that you desire to be in?
It is time to dust off the cobwebs on your forgotten and neglected magic wand and reignite the light web frequencies that will awaken the world to the beauty and wonder that is the natural design of the earth.

The Universe exists in a web of light.
Creation energy woven throughout the cosmos, connecting everything together.
So much has happened on earth, that the majority of humanity has forgotten they are designed to be connected into this web of creational light energy, and so are disconnected from the web of life.
We are not being fed the amount of energy that we are designed to have entering into our being. Our systems are overloaded with too many chemicals, poisons, and brainwashing to where we have become cut off and blocked from this vital energy system that is there waiting for you, designed to feed you life and fuel you with energy!
You need this energy to fulfill your destiny.
You deserve to be connected back into the original creation web of nature.
In Constellations of Feminine Magic, our main purpose is to RECHARGE YOUR SYSTEM WITH THE LIGHT OF NATURE. Through collaboration with the crystals, minerals and stones, the starlight frequencies, and energetic clearing and activation techniques, Constellations Members will be on a mission to clear out the old baggage that is weighing you down, cluttering up your space, and making you sick (in so many ways) and going through a variety of processes to reactivate your cellular communication channels and reunite with the light filled pathways between the sky and the earth. Become a part of nature again!
What would your life be like if you felt excited by life, if you felt excited about who you are and the magical gifts you have to offer the world?
What would you do if you had the energy to do it? How would your life look if you felt awake, clear, stable and strong. Who would you be if you felt lit up and alive!
Energized. Motivated. Enthusiastic.
Recharged. & Magical.
the way you were designed to be.
I know you are here for an important reason. I believe that. And the world has a many number of ways that it distracts you, extracts from you, and fills you up with what does not matter. All these ways you have been led to believe that you don't matter.
That your magic doesn't matter.
But it does.
Your Magic Matters.
The world is in an intense state of transformation. The earth will continue to go through massive changes in her rebalancing process, and humans are a part of that process whether we like it or not. The earth needs magical women to help her with this process of transformation, to restore her original earthen templates of paradise and abundance.
It will be a process, and it won't necessarily be easy. I invite you into Constellations of Feminine Magic to be connected in to a network of light that will inspire and motivate you to be an engaged and active part of the earth's change. A web of women to support and encourage each other, belong to a process that will help you awaken your natural light and anchor you into your magical gifts.

Hi, I am AnnA Kyleah Star and I talk to crystals, sing to the stars and believe in magic!
​I am a keeper of wisdom, a medicine maker, and a translator of the languages of the invisible energies and beings that are a part of our true nature. I am a Crystal Cosmic Timekeeper and I weave the light webs of Original Creation back together, for earth and all her creatures to live in harmony with nature.
I have always known who I was, but I have struggled to believe in myself and my own value in this world. But every day I am changing that a little bit more, cleaning out my system of old stories and redirecting my energy to believing in myself and my magic.
​I have a long story of keeping myself stuck in victim mode.
Reflecting back I can clearly see all the creative ways I have continued the self-abuse cycle of harm by stopping myself from being the joyful, expansive and light-filled being I am.
I have stayed in abusive relationships way longer than simply ‘learning my lesson.’ I have kept myself small and sad to avoid the discomfort of letting myself be seen in my self perceived flaws, and to avoid the discomfort of others who might disagree with me ‘showing off.’
I have perceived my world from a place of lack, not recognizing that the spiritual wisdom and energies that flow through me are the true wealth and nourishment.
It has taken me a while to get here. To a place where I am truly re-storying my truth about myself and my existence on earth. My core beliefs are the same as they always were : the earth is beautiful, full of magic, and I am here to live in joy and create new realities! My beliefs have not changed. What has changed is my faith and my kindness and my confidence in myself.
And here I am, inviting you to join me in creating a beautiful and inspirational reality through awakening the light codes of our true nature and who we truly are, so that we can come fully alive to make magic happen in the world!!!!!!

What do you receive as a member of Constellations?
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We meet two times a month to activate light codes & run energy.
Once at the beginning of the month to connect with the stars with a true sky astrology update, a clearing of the energy system, and an activation of consciousness.
This experience will connect you to the frequencies of the constellations and the stars that are influencing the earth the most.
In a group ceremony, we will go through a process of release, freeing you of the baggage you no longer need to carry and igniting a particular frequency of light that will juice you up, jazz you up, and inspire you for the rest of the month.
And once again at the mid-point of the month to connect with the stone of the month that will ground you, anchor you, to the starlight wisdom within.
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